What is red

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Publicat de: Iulian Oancea
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Profesor îndrumător / Prezentat Profesorului: Toma Mariana

Extras din referat

Red has guts … deep, strong, dramatic. A geranium red. A Goya red … to be used like gold for furnishing a house … for clothes, it is strong, like black or white. Valentino

the word red comes from the old English rēad;

in the English language, the word red is associated with the color of blood, certain flowers (like roses ) and ripe fruits (apples, cherries);

fire is also strongly connected, as is the sun and the sky at sunset;

healthy light-skinned people are sometimes said to have a “ruddy” complexion (as opposed to appearing pale);

after the rise of socialism in the mid-19th century, red was to describe revolutionary movements.


is a bright, warm color that evokes strong emotions

is associated with love, warmth and comfort and strong sense of vitality.

is also considered an intense, or even angry, color that creates feelings of excitement or intensity.

is a stimulate, is the hottest of warm colors.

it is Cupid and the Devil.

it’s called the king of the colours because of his high visibility.

is the color of blood, wine.

Culture of Red:

red is power, red tie for business people and red carpet for celebrities and VIP’s.

flashing red lights denote danger or emergency.

stop signs and stop lights are red to get driver’s attention and alert them to the dangers of the intersection.

red is the color of happiness and prosperity in China and may be used to attract good luck.

in Russia the Bolsheviks used a red flag when they overthrew the Tsar.

many national flags use red.

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